Tuesday, February 28, 2006

7 hour shoot at the buffalo cafe today, hhmmmm buffalo.  Gonna get some good sound. Laters.  Will publish a longer post in a day or so.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Again downloading more widgets, macs are cool.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

This is my first widget blog post, cool huh.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I'm back baby,

three weeks ago, yesterday, I had the pleasure of having my wisdom teeth removed. And yes believe me it was a pleasure. If one ignores the pain I firmly believe it was well worth it. I was very nervous going into my "Maxillo-facial surgeons office" on the day. There was some guy also getting his wisdom teeth out but he turned out to be a prick. I was brought into the room, where the aneasthetist asked me about allergies of which i have none (that i know of thank you very much) . I lay on the bed cart thingy and he asks me to take a deep breath of knockout gas whatever that is, and then another while thinking of a place i would rather be. I cant remember really what it was i was thinking about but it was soothing. I woke up i'd say about 45 minutes laters minus four teeth of which I was not allowed to keep, I should have asked before hand. bollox.

Any way I woke up thinking of the movie Training Day, dont know why but i did, wierd eh. Then i wanted to start singing, but couldn't, then i got really fucking cold. It was freezing. I sobred up pretty quick after that. From here It was all pretty normal. I got up, put my shoes on, and went home. but not before getting a dose of extra brilliant painkillers.

I got home, and watched the rest of HEAT, then dukes of hazzard, the cave and brothers grimm in that order. The rest of heat being the highlight.

I stopped bleeding from the gums around 1 pm, but could taste blood for the next day. Letting saltwater and blood pour from your mouth is not the most appetite inducing sight i've ever seen. But i still ate some cheese sauce.

The best thing about the whole affair is that I have no adverse pain or swelling post op. Which was great, I started using the curved syringe to clean out my sockets afters 4 days, instead of 7 like i was told to. and still do about 2 times a day. I am still not fully healed. but well on the way.

Plus the following monday i went to banff for 2 weeks, where i learnt to chew and make movies.

twas great. tell you more about that some other time.

Now on monday is when i finally get braces at the age of 24. hopefully everything goes well.
and in a couple of years i should have a quality set of chompers

laters taters.
