Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I'm back baby,

three weeks ago, yesterday, I had the pleasure of having my wisdom teeth removed. And yes believe me it was a pleasure. If one ignores the pain I firmly believe it was well worth it. I was very nervous going into my "Maxillo-facial surgeons office" on the day. There was some guy also getting his wisdom teeth out but he turned out to be a prick. I was brought into the room, where the aneasthetist asked me about allergies of which i have none (that i know of thank you very much) . I lay on the bed cart thingy and he asks me to take a deep breath of knockout gas whatever that is, and then another while thinking of a place i would rather be. I cant remember really what it was i was thinking about but it was soothing. I woke up i'd say about 45 minutes laters minus four teeth of which I was not allowed to keep, I should have asked before hand. bollox.

Any way I woke up thinking of the movie Training Day, dont know why but i did, wierd eh. Then i wanted to start singing, but couldn't, then i got really fucking cold. It was freezing. I sobred up pretty quick after that. From here It was all pretty normal. I got up, put my shoes on, and went home. but not before getting a dose of extra brilliant painkillers.

I got home, and watched the rest of HEAT, then dukes of hazzard, the cave and brothers grimm in that order. The rest of heat being the highlight.

I stopped bleeding from the gums around 1 pm, but could taste blood for the next day. Letting saltwater and blood pour from your mouth is not the most appetite inducing sight i've ever seen. But i still ate some cheese sauce.

The best thing about the whole affair is that I have no adverse pain or swelling post op. Which was great, I started using the curved syringe to clean out my sockets afters 4 days, instead of 7 like i was told to. and still do about 2 times a day. I am still not fully healed. but well on the way.

Plus the following monday i went to banff for 2 weeks, where i learnt to chew and make movies.

twas great. tell you more about that some other time.

Now on monday is when i finally get braces at the age of 24. hopefully everything goes well.
and in a couple of years i should have a quality set of chompers

laters taters.



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