Sunday, November 20, 2005

Adventures in dentist land.

I have 3 "dentist's", the first is Dr. Alok Singh, nice guy but scruffy as hell, when I first met him I thought he was the janitor of the dental practice. He did some of my fillings first off and motivated me to get the rest of my teeth sorted out.

The second is Dr. Kamelchuk, well presented this time round but quick in his statements so I have to ask lots of questions which is not bad really. He was mean to do my braces, but I have to have my wisdom teeth out (more on that later). Stinking rich obviously judging by his demeanour, office furnishings and size of practice.

The third is Dr. Bereau, european dude, funny, but doesn't like being called a dentist much prefers the term maxillofacial surgeon. He is going to do my jaw surgery soon hopefully, I'm having my lower jaw brought forward along with the braces should correct my overbite.

Wisdom teeth are a bitch, I should have had them out years ago just never got round to it. Went to my appointment for my extraction on friday, everything was going swimmingly until Dr. Singh started injecting aneasthetic into my upper right jaw. I get a shooting nerve pain down my right cheek, which then proceed to swell up and go pale white. Brilliant, I was all gung ho and now they cant proceed till they know whats wrong. Problem is they don't have a clue. But i do, in 2001 my sister and I were coming back from a bar in london. We get on the train to go home, and between liverpool street station and stratford a steamer gang (gangs that walk up the train robbing people) we get off but they follow us. The idea was to catch a cab but of course no cabs, standing their waiting for a cab, they approach us from behind. To cut out all the details one of them punches me twice well i think it was twice from the side and hits me in the cheek right beneath the eye. They run off, we call the police, and i go to hospital to get x-rays. I wait for 5 hours, at night it takes ages. The Doc says there is nothing wrong so I believe him, end of.

FFWD to 2005, in the dentist chair i get a streaming fiery pain in my face, Dr. Singh x-rays me again and points out a line on my cheekbone/orbit that could mean it broke and then healed creating scar tissue, when he injected the aneasthetic it created a pressure build up that caused me a brief but great deal of pain along the nerve. So this means 1 of two things. 1st) I either don't have my wisdom teeth out which frankly is not an option, and 2) get put under ( i've never done a general aneasthetic) and have em taken out that way. problem is i need a referral to Dr. Bereau who may take up to 3 months to fit my in which sucks monkey ass.

Just hope I can be seen and have whipped out P.D.Q. Otherwise, well you get it, bollox. Essentially walked to the mall to have my face frozen. Double bollox.


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