Sunday, November 27, 2005

Well hello there how are you all doing?

Enjoying my blog I hope, any hoo here is an update on my dental master plan.

Wisdom teeth shall be extracted while under general aneasthetic on the 30th of December, yep I get to spend new years eve all wrapped up on the sofa in pain watching movies.

I require four full days of doing nothing, not something i find at all difficult, then its back to normal.

On the 12th of January however is the day i get fitted with braces, yay. I must admit I am apprehensive but a good friend explained that I will have the rest of my life to enjoy and appreciate my teeth and smile. Honestly its not that bad but I think I can handle it.

Approximately 12 to 18 months after this I will be having maxillofacial surgery on my lower jaw to correct the remaining overbite. A girl in my class had something similiar done mind you when she was 16, and has encouraged me I'll be better off with it that without, she is also a very pretty young woman so I trust she has a good perspective on the matter. Not that I am shallow I just believe it is an issue of self esteem as well as personal choices on aesthetics. I witnessed my self on film the other day in low contrast black and white, the profile of my face is distinctive but not in a bad way just displeasing to my eye and yes i do have trouble watching my self on screen. This confirmed exactly why i am having this done, these reasons I shan't share with you yet. In two years time it will all fit together figuratively and literally. See you then.

From the sheff himself.


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