Thursday, January 12, 2006

Good evening,

I have not moved from this chair for about two and half hours, in that time I have talked to 3 of msn contacts, bidded on ebay for two seperate cameras and burned a disc for a friend and of course am now adding a blog entry.

One of my msn contacts discussed how they dislike to read a persons blog, because they would rather get to know a person in person which I totally agree with. This blog is by no means a reprentation of my life in any fraction its just a means for me to wax lyrical about anything and everything.

I also have to give a shout out to my mate Matt, mainly cos he asked me to and of course we're tight like mates should be.

This evening saw the end to the first annual Alberta HD seminar, and I must admit the pros outweighed the cons but only by a narrow margin. Seeing HD in HD is drool worthy, but convincing my parents to purchase a system capable of handling it is more difficult than parting the red sea. The end keynote speaker was a rep from the WB network, an american idiot who inspite of knowing his tech shit was still ignorant of Canadian HD tv issues. This makes me mad, especially when he show a promo for the american HD net tv news/doc channel, specifically when he discerns the difference between watching hurricane katrina rescue footage in HD compared to SD as more engrossing and greater in its impact. Needless to say I was a little appalled but not surprised in the end when I realised he is an american and not worth bitching about. The differentiation tommy lee jones makes between a person and people in MIB is still a very pertinent statment.

An update on my dental state in that on boxing day i caught the flu and strep throat, which prevented my extraction of my wisdom teeth for another two and a bit weeks. fuckers. And even weirder is when writing that previous statement as i was coming to type wisdom teeth in fact wrote wisdom deat- I never did finish the word, but that is still pretty freaky. My upper left wisdom tooth is giving me the most hassle, it is obviously falling apart, I can feel a jagged edge to it and desperately want it removed, but I am ever so apprehensive of undergoing general anaesthetic. I think it comes down to control and consciousness, I would in some ways be conscious with the ability to control my actions than be unconcious with no actions whatsoever. To some this is 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. To me, well i am not trying to think about it. I'd rather have it done that not and that is that. In some weird way I am excited as to how different my head will feel, and how well my teeth are going to feel too. I have heard wisdom tooth extractions can help a number of physiological and psycho-somatic ailments. Whether these themselves are a psycho-somatic effect is another question.

all done now, laters.



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